Friday, February 1, 2013

Intro to Awesome

So I finally stopped being lazy and have made a blog.  Here shall be recorded all of my adventures in Sweden and anything else I would imagine you all would be interested in.
Hi, uh, welcome to my blog.  

So yeah.  I arrived in Sweden on the 17th of January.  I'm staying in Växjö (pronounced Ve-kwuh), a relatively small city in the south which was given the title of "Greenest City in Europe" after being awarded the EU's first award for Sustainable Development in 2007 (Pick up the pace, Germany.  Seriously). Växjö literally translates to "where the road meets the lake"; it is surrounded on most sides by independent lakes with roads leading in and out of town on the anorexic land bridges between them.
For you visual learners
While here I'll be studying at Linneaus University, which is located about two miles southeast from the city's  center.  Most students live on campus, but I live in an apartment complex very close to the city, meaning I have quick access to the downtown area but a two mile bike ride to campus.  Naturally, the Greenest City in Europe is very pedestrian and biker friendly; the ride to campus is on a beautiful path that hugs Växjö s central lake's shore.

It's cold here.  The average temperature has been around 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit and the snow falls frequently.  There's an uncanny beauty to the pristine white blanket that covers everything, though, and by staying this cold it isn't ruined by rain or melting.  The lake is frozen through enough to walk across. At the bottom of this post are a few photos I took the other day on my ride home from school.  It was an ominously foggy day; usually you can see the opposite shore.  And sorry, my photography skills are limited to "place tree or item in foreground of landscape."

Life has been fairly mundane so far, as I've just been settling in and haven't gone on any adventures yet (or gotten any good pictures).  Look forward to future posts that will be more entertaining and awesome.  BAM


  1. Coolio. Do you ever see the sun?

  2. Yes! It was out for like 3 or so days in a row a couple days ago
